Rosalie and Chris Harry Potter/Rose Garden Engagement Session

June 05, 2017

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Rosalie and Chris Harry Potter/Rose Garden Engagement Session

April 29, 2017

One thing I really take pride in as a wedding photographer is getting to know my bride and groom.  At our first meeting, Rosalie and Chris told me that they are huge fans of Harry Potter.  They were even planning on having Harry Potter related shirts made and they wanted to wear them in some of the engagement photos.  I decided we should set up for some really fun, specialized Harry Potter shots.  With the help of my amazing graphic designer we created some memorable photos for the couple.  Hopefully they love them as much as I do!

Rosalie and Chris also shared that they love dancing, so we also had to capture some shots of them dancing and interacting in and around the lovely Rose Garden at Delano Park in Decatur.  This session was the perfect mix of fun, magic, and romance.  Enjoy!

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